“If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything”
-Miyamoto Musashi
money & finance
money & finance
@lifework we believe in the HOLISTIC APPROACH. Rather than treating the “surface symptoms” we look at your WHOLE LIFE to identify where your true strengths lie, what triggers you to be out of balance and overall, WHAT IS IN NEED OF A SHIFT?
grounded in life coaching
Self-awareness is one of the most powerful and potent skills you can have. It allows you to consciously act, and react, in everything that you do, which results in living a life with clear purpose, focus, and meaning. Life coaching, helps you master this skill. It helps raise your consciousness around your mindset on any given topic, map out your thoughts and blockers and then develop a plan on what needs to change. This is why, lifework is grounded in life coaching. We will raise your consciousness, find your blockers and curate your thoughts on each domain of life and then the experts help you with the external tools you need.
elevated by experts
Once you've established your self awareness on each domain of life, we’ll pair you with an expert to help you apply the lifework externally. We'll introduce you to an expert to elevate each domain of life you want to work on. They will give you actionable next steps and strategies on how to get a hold of your health, finances, spiritual alignment, nutrition, physical ability, etc. The duo of a life coach and expert means - you’ll have done all the lifework. The internal and external work necessary to really get your life together not only in real time but for a lifetime.

THE WHEEL OF LIFE is foundational to lifework. It is a complex picture representing the 7 DOMAINS OF LIFE that are constantly at play - either fulfilling us, or challenging us. Throughout the program we use this wheel to CRITICALLY REFLECT on each component and identify: your level of focus, what you are dismissing or justifying, your needs, values and fulfillment criteria.
THE RESULT? A balanced life that is lead with self awareness and a DEEP UNDERSTANDING and compassion for each component. You will also be equipped with the tools and insights necessary for future upheavals in each key area (that are bound to re-surface), so that whatever challenges come your way, you know your triggers and HOW TO STAY IN BALANCE.
Click on each domain to learn more.

"i regret working on myself"
- said no one ever
"push yourself-"
"because no one is going to do it for you"
Yes, to your deepest, realest, raw AF thoughts. You know which ones we’re talking about. The thoughts that creep up or that you can’t distinguish right from wrong. We can’t get to the seeds without whacking the weeds. And that’s when the actual flower/ficus/fern, whatever metaphorical plant speaks to you – blooms.
You know those aspects of your life that jerk you into instability and procrastination? Or the aspects of your life you can’t quite grasp or understand what's missing? We get it. Knowing how to actually get your life together is confusing and abstract but instead of fleeing, we face the fight. We do the lifework.
Head on – that struggle, discomfort or nagging feeling of lack – in the name of radical self-improvement.
Those thoughts mentioned above.. We're gunna take them on. Especially the ones we’ve programmed ourselves to dismiss. We'll sort through the noise, listen closely and access what it's trying to tell us to make a real change.
Didn’t you hear? Vulnerability is the new super power. The real shame is not being able to go there, via vulnerability – because that is where the lifework starts – with your courage to be open and honest.