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Meet Taylor

Age: 27

Profession: Team Lead, Hotel Supply Partnerships at Snapcommerce

Lifework completed: Summer 2021 Cohort + on going coaching & summer challenge

why did you decide to do lifework?

I had been in therapy for about a year and a half, so I felt like I was mentally in a good place, understanding myself better and what’s important to me. But I didn’t have a plan, or tools on how to actually act on creating the life I want. I saw a friend post on an early morning bike ride and tag dolifework on Instagram, and it piqued my interest - how can I motivate myself to do THAT? After scrolling through the Instagram and website, I knew that what Fab was offering was exactly what I needed. Guidance on HOW to build the life I know I want, and tangible steps to get there.

did you feel “good but also kind of lost”?

YES!!! Yes x100.

what was good?

Everything in my life that's on “paper” was “good”. I had an impressive job in investment banking✔️, great relationship ✔️, a nice apartment ✔️, supportive friends and family ✔️…etc. The problem was….although it appeared to be good…it didn't feel good.

what felt lost?

The good was my “big” things that I’m proud of. My relationship, my job, my home, my friends, my travel. The stuff you post on Instagram.

Where/how did you feel lost?

How to elevate my day to day. I didn’t know how or where to start creating intentional healthy habits. Also, I didn’t step outside my comfort zone much. I felt new ideas/ambitions were too daunting and I lacked clarity on WHAT I even wanted. I just felt something was missing but couldn’t put my finger on what. Like I had this great life with lots of love around me but was missing…something.

what shifts did you experience from doing lifework?

Thanks to lifework, I now live unapologetically and am able to fully receive love from those around me. This is an outcome from doing lifework that I didn't even know was possible but in Fab's cohort I was able to identify & work through some strong beliefs that were holding me back. Other shifts worth noting:

I am more grateful for what I have. I am more clear on what I want, and how to get there. I have less fear. I am more confident at work and in all my relationships, asking for what I need and setting boundaries. I started journaling. I started being excited for my mornings. I have stuck to a morning routine that I love for about 7 months now, even pushing myself to wake up a little earlier each day so I can soak in even more of the sweet sweet morning (and I am someone who adores staying in bed all day given the chance so this is a BIG shift)! I started bringing fun and joy into my every day, even the days with no plans. There are so many shifts. Overall, I am proud of myself.

if you were to leave a note to anyone who was considering investing in lifework what would you say?

Do it, do it, do it! This investment in yourself will pay dividends for LIFE in the form of confidence, clarity, and enjoyment of your life. I had been in therapy for over a year before working with Fab and she was able to deliver stronger breakthroughs in less than 8 weeks. Fab meets you where you are with no judgement, and helps get you where you want to be with actual steps and guidance on how to get there. I can say with certainty that without Fab, I would not have known how to get to where I am today. I am so grateful to have come across her page and to have her in my life. It was the best purchase/investment I made year (maybe ever).


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